Royal Marines arrive in Canea. 15th February 1897.

With the consent of the Ottoman authorities, in order to keep the peace in the town and preserve life and property, Canea was occupied by detachments from the foreign warships. The force consisted of 100 British, 100 Russians, 100 French, 100 Italians, and 50 Austrians.

The British detachment coming from H.M.S. Revenge, H.M.S. Rodney and H. M. S.Barfleur landed first. Shortly afterwards the French landing parties arrived, followed by the Austrians, Russians and Italians.

According to The Times correspondent present, at 3.15 p.m. on the 15th February 1897, a launch from H. M. S. Revenge, the flagship of the British Mediterranean Fleet, entered Canea harbour in the charge of Lieutenant Nelson and Sub-Lieutenants Addison and Hunt, landing a detachment of marines who then drew up upon the quay.

Royal Marines on HMS Revenge before landing for the occupation of Crete. The Illustrated London News, 6 March 1897.

They were met by British consul Sir Alfred Biliotti and Vice-Consul Cassimati, as well as Major Bor, British Commander of the ‘new’ Gendarmerie and Lieutenant Colonel Herbert Chermside; the latter on the island since 1896 in his capacity as a member of the Gendarmerie Commission, the Concert-lead Commission for the reorganization of the gendarmerie.

Royal Marines landing in Canea. 15 February 1897.

Royal Marines landing in Canea. 15 February 1897.

The wording below the illustration, from the Graphic of 6th March 1897, reads:

The Crisis in Crete: The Landing of British Marines At Canea.

Royal Marines in Canea. 15 February 1897

Royal Marines en-route to quarters in in Canea. 15 February 1897

Taken, again, from The Graphic, the illustration’s title reads;

‘The occupation of Canea by the Great Powers: British Marines on their way to quarters.’

There is no record as to whether or not the Marines went commando.

2 thoughts on “Royal Marines arrive in Canea. 15th February 1897.

  1. Pingback: Naval Patrol | The British in Crete, 1896 to 1913.

  2. Pingback: Oh dear…The French got there first. | The British in Crete, 1896 to 1913.

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